In this article, I'll explain everything you need to know about to England.
Here you'll find
- Presentation of documents required for entry into the country
- What you need to know
- Practical information: procedures, visas, useful documents
- And much more!
If you're wondering whether you need a passport to go to England, you'll love this article.
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Do I need a passport to go to England? article summary
Do I need a passport to go to England in 2023?
You have planned a stay in London and a question pops into your mind: Do I need a passport to go to England? Rest assured, you're not the only one wondering!
I explain everything you need to know to plan your trip with peace of mind.
Do I need a passport to travel to England?
Yessince 1er October 2021 and the implementation of the decision to leave the European Union (with the Brexit), French nationals wishing to travel to England must be in possession of a passport valid.
Until December 31, 2020, a valid identity card was sufficient, but now this is no longer the case.
This obligation applies to tourists visiting the UK (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) for less than 6 months.
My advice The waiting time for a passport to be issued in France is getting longer all the time. I recommend that you sufficiently in advance to apply early enough for your trip to London.
Do I need a visa to travel to England in 2023?
Just for sightseeing, up to 6 monthsYou don't need a visa to travel to England.
However, if your stay exceeds this duration, you must apply for a Visa depending on your situation. These generally include workers, students and certain trainees.
To do this, you will need to apply via the official UK government website.
What documents do I need to travel to England?
When you arrive in England (via the Channel Tunnel by carby a London airport or by Eurostar), controls are carried out on arrival, for safety reasons.
Officers may ask you a few questions about the reason for your visit, and you may have to prove why you are in London, or why you have arrived in the UK. To do this, it's best to have :
- Your return air ticket (or proof that you will be leaving the country within the allotted time)
- Proof of accommodation reservation (hotel, Airbnb, etc.)
- More rarely proof of account proving that you have the means to stay in the country independently
What special cases should I be aware of?
The above regulations apply for adultson a tourist trip. Here are a few specific cases to be aware of, to be prepared for any eventuality.
Minors who come to England with their parents only need a valid passport.
On the other hand, if they travel onlyor with a person who is not their legal guardian, they must be in possession of a Authorisation to leave the country (AST).
Temporary or permanent residentsÂ
French nationals resident in the UK (and who were resident there prior to 2021) can simply present an identity card valid until 2025.
They must have a document attesting to this resident status temporary or permanent (Settled Status or Pre-Settled Status) for inspection purposes.
The same conditions apply to minors registered under these resident statuses.
Stopover in the UK
If you stop over in a UK international airportIn any case, it's best to check the documents required by your final destination country. If necessary, you'll need to apply for a visa, so you don't have to worry about boarding in London.
Travelers from outside the EU
All travelers arriving from a country located outside the European Union must also present a valid passport and a Visa. Only residents of countries with a Visa Waiver Agreement with the UK can do without one.
And if you have any questions about entering England?
If you have any doubts about a particular situation or the applications to be made (Visa, forms, status, etc.), so as not to make any mistakes, you can consult the following official pages:
Well-prepared, you'll be ready to set off and discover the capital, the its neighborhoods and its most emblematic monuments!
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